Telefunken, Matched Pair 1960 - 12ax7/ECC83 Small Signal Tubes - The GOAT of Preamp/Amp Tubes

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Telefunken 12ax7/WCC83 - the undisputed GOAT of small signal tubes. Their presentation is vivid and colorful and provide a sound stage a mile wide and mountain high. They are spectacular preamp tubes tubes capable of breathtaking performance. In power amps used as phase inverters they are equally impressive removing grain and adding bloom to the signal. 

Again, wish I could say these are available but YK is on top of these too. By the time he's finished, his Luxman 3045 monos he purchased here from the Richard K collection, will be second to none. They will truly be other worldly.

Telefunken - 12ax7/ECC83 small signal tubes: $300 - Wunderbar!!