Vintage NOS Mullard CV4003/12au7 - Finest Military Spec Small Signal Tubes (Matched Pairs)

Sale price Price $299.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

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MULLARD, GENALEX, BRIMAR, and other British made NOS: Like a warm British jacket of the finest tweed, these glorious tubes have an attractive sweet warmth in their midrange and lower regions. The top end is silky and pleasant, without being rolled-off. The best of these tubes retain a fine sense of "air" at the top, and the upper midrange is smooth and liquid. These tubes reproduce the human voice, especially female voices, with haunting realism. The rare CV4003 versions have an eye-popping huge soundstage, razor sharp focus and detail, and an uncolored top end while retaining the warmth of the more common versions.

Well here we have the rare NOS Mullard, CV4003 12au7 small signal tube - in our opinion, among the finest available anywhere at any price. I'll make it simple... Buy today or they'll be gone tomorrow - so extra in every way!

Mullard CV4003 - $299 the matched pair + shipping and sales tax when applicable