Classé CAP-151 Integrated Amplifier - SOLD

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Classé Audio, Inc. shares a dream with its clients - the true re-creation of a live performance. Our devotion to the creation of audio and home theater products of impeccable quality is an approach that an audiophile magazine called "a combination of art and science (that) exemplifies the best that high-end audio has to offer." This remarkable achievement is reflected in our worldwide reputation for unsurpassed musical performance, reliability, consistency, and overall value. Classé's philosophy is one of technological evolution, not revolution. Building on what we know works. 

We have taken the best characteristics of our separate amplifier/preamplifier designs, and created a simplified product which offers an ideal combination of performance and convenience. All aspects of the circuit design and power supply are directly derived from the most recent versions of our separate components. The CAP-151 power supply includes a massive toroidal transformer, along with Classé Audio's unique solution to capacitive filtering. Rather than the large, slow filter capacitors found in most power supplies, the CAP-151 uses a large number of smaller capacitors distributed throughout each stage of the amplifier and preamplifier. These capacitors offer filtering in close proximity to the circuits they supply. The result is a lightning-quick response coupled with a more natural sound.

Bl-POLAR? MOSFET? J-FET? Most high-end amplifiers use only one type of transistor. At Classé, we use all three in a unique sequence that makes the most of their particular voltage and input impedance characteristics. In addition, we have designed small but highly efficient extruded aluminum heat sinks that disperse transistor-generated heat, ensuring maximum output without distortion.

The CAP-151 includes a very special capability; with a simple touch of a front panel button, the amplifier and preamplifier sections of the CAP-151 can be separated. This is particularly convenient for use as part of a more complex multi-amplifier system, or for the purpose of inserting equalization or other room correction between amplifier and preamplifier stages. In this way, the CAP-151 offers the flexibility of separates while maintaining the convenience and simplicity of an integrated amplifier.

This CAP-151 has been extensively gone through in-house by our master tech. It's operating 100% to spec and is in fact a special integrated. Have seen the Unison, Krell KAV, and several others of the same era and ilk and this Classe' laps them in every way. Solid 8+ in appearance with only slight signs of wear. 10+ in performance and the bonus here is the incredible sounding phono stage. Dead quiet with just the right amount of gain with the several MM carts we tested it with. This piece is a total 100% winner in every way. Does NOT come with a remote but there are several aftermarket remotes available inexpensively online. 

Demos are encouraged here at the Lawrence shop or purchase with confidence here on our site.

Classé CAP-151 Integrated Amplifier: $929.00 + sales tax where applicable