Classé Delta Series, CA-2300 (2) Channel Power Factory - SOLD

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Pass Labs, Krell, McIntosh & Classé are brands that need no introduction for if you fancy yourself an audiophile at all, then you no doubt are aware of the Canadian manufacturer. Since 1980, Classé has been making some of the finest two-channel and home theater electronics the industry has ever known and in the last few years they've stepped up their efforts; producing components that can only be described as beautiful - both sonically and visually. Don't get me wrong - Classé has always been about sound quality but their 2012 offerings, such as the Delta Series CA-2300 we have here at the shop, are simply in a league all their own.

Retailing for $7,000 in 2012, the CA-2300 is one of the most visually striking amplifiers we've ever seen. Clad in white aluminum complete with rounded edges and a black air intake, the CA-2300 has a decidedly tailored look that, when combined with other Classé products, specifically other Delta Series electronics, makes for a stunning visual statement. Seriously, you owe it to yourself to Google an image of the Delta Series products rack mounted with custom faceplates in a custom Mid Atlantic rack - it's gorgeous. The CA-2300's visual appearance goes a long way in disguising its actual girth, for the CA-2300 measures in at 17.5 inches wide by 19 inches deep and just under nine inches tall, which coupled with its 88 pound net weight makes it a heavyweight, albeit a nicely dressed one. The front fascia features only a standby button, which glows red when in standby mode (drawing less than a single Watt thanks to its new power supply) and blue when operational.

Around back the white aluminum is lost though the CA-2300's attention to detail is not. There are two sets of five-way binding posts per channel (to facilitate bi-wiring) surrounding the CA-2300's large air vent. Below each pair of binding posts you'll find both single ended and balanced analog inputs. All of the inputs are neatly spaced and clearly labeled, making the CA-2300 supremely easy to integrate into an existing system. There is an AC mains input to the left of the binding posts and running along the far left side of the CA-2300's back panel are inputs for Classé's own CAN Bus (Controller Area Network) as well as a RS-232 USB Control Port, 12-volt triggers and a IR input and output.

We could go in forever singing the praises of this amp. Mids are liquid and super appealing, bass is full, robust and deep but oh so accurate. Highs have just the right amount of sizzle. Clean articulate with zero grain. Overall it's prefered to MANY amps we've had here and by a country mile. 300watts per/channel of lean muscle. Just an amazing piece in solid 9+ for appearance and 11+ for performance. It's one you'd have loved to own at $7K and here's one for less than 1/2 that. It's a no-brainer!

Come demo this fine Classe' power amp here at the Lawrence shop or purchase with confidence her on our site. Comes complete with all original box, packaging, OM, etc...

Classé Delta Series, CA-2300: $2999+ sales tax where applicable