Emotiva XRT 6.2 Towers - Shockingly Great!

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When Emotiva started, they asked a simple question: “Why can’t we have amazing audio and video sound at prices that don’t threaten our mortgage?”As high-end audio chased an ever-shrinking market with ever-more-costly gear, the price of sonic nirvana shot out of reach. New enthusiasts shook their heads and thought, “You know, a soundbar and a receiver may not be that bad.”

Emotiva must have taken feedback from their customers in designing the X-Reference line of speakers.
On certain discs/tracks, the XRT's although super satisfying, sounded clean, tight and distinct. On Chris Botti's "When I fall in love", when he hits certain notes, these XRT's presented a liveliness and pace that was shockingly great. In that regard, the XRT's present the old "garbage in, garbage out" theory. In a sense, the XRT's are revealing and neutral. Feed them good recordings and they give you solid enjoyable sound, feed them mediocre material, and that's what you get. The XRT's can also outright boogie with the right material. Low end plays nice and tight without over-bloating and the high end is resolving and never fatiguing. 

Emotiva had a hit with the XRT 6.2's as evidenced by the many, MANY sets they sold. This particular pair is in terrific condition and play exceptionally well. We are pleasantly surprised by what they offer. Big sound in a very attractive package.

Come have a listen here at the shop...

Emotiva, XRT 6.2 Towers: $459 plus sales tax & shipping when applicable