Fisher 500-C Tube Receiver... Incredible Classic - SOLD

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Fisher 500-C: The 50-Year-Old King of Pure Stereophonic Sound

A far cry from the big-box fleets of modern, mega-feature, home theater amps, the Fisher 500 is still the pinnacle of pure stereophonic sound.

The debut of Avery Fisher's combo amplifier-receiver in the early 1960s signaled the dawn of the home stereo revolution. It initially came in two flavors: the basic 500-B and the slightly pricier 500-C (seen here) which added a headphone jack. Both injected recordings with a hitherto unheard liveliness, using a magic mix of vacuum tubes and capacitors to transform electrical signals into incredibly sweet music. When the first consumers to plunk down $370 heard Bob Dylan singing like he was a few feet away, many were convinced that nothing less would ever satisfy their ears. More than 50 years later, audiophiles still deify the two Fisher models. Revered by online communities, there's a cottage industry devoted to keeping the stereo 500s in working order. Some look at the stately metal-and-wood bodies and see a relic. The rest of us see the antidote to the sterility of the digital age

CAN NOT possibly pump the tires enough on this component. It's incredible in appearance and performance-wise nothing short of breathtaking. We have opportunity to have many, MANY vintage pieces through this shop but this Fisher, man, it's special. 30watts per/side of push-pull glory. Completely and painstakingly restored and extensively gone through here in house by our expect tech. She's ready to bring a mike wide smile to its next owner. ANOTHER piece of audio history from the Richard K collection. His deep dive into every iconic hiend audio component & speakers is endless. 

Comes with a full compliment of "better" vintage tubes by Jan/Philips and Fisher branded Telefunken. It's truly "the one" and honestly, the custom burl wood cabinet alone is worth several hundred dollars.

To listen to this fine Fisher receiver is to buy it... fully restored by the best in the business (besides us of course lol). It's ready to demo here at the shop or purchase with confidence her on our site.

Fisher, 500-C Vintage Stereo Tube Receiver: $1649 + applicable sales tax