Lang & Taylor labeled Toshiba 6bq5/ EL84 Tubes - Matched Quad

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Fabulous Toshiba Brand 6BQ5/ EL84 power tubes. This was the norm with many tube manufactures as they would be made available for private label. Toshiba and or Japanese EL84 tubes are true sleepers and are shockingly fabulous in many vintage amplifiers. A really great under the radar sleeper. They actually share a lot of the same characteristics as the Tungsram & Telefunken 6BQ5s in terms of imaging and overall vividness. I remember this tube clearly as a long time customer who has a Shindo Montille and who searched high and low for the Mullards that are so talked about paired with that amp, said he bought the Toshibas in Japan and couldn't be happier.

Just sharing the experience of a customer whose opinion we value. He's sort of out "tune shaman" as he's 81 years young and has owned more rare & exotic tune gear than we could ever hope to.

(4) Toshiba brand 6BQ5/ EL84 power tubes: $299 plus tax and shipping when applicable