Primare NP5 Prisma Hi-Res Network Streamer

Sale price Price $599.00 Regular price $599.00 Unit price  per 

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Primare snuck all of the functionality available in their state-of-the-art Prisma line of intelligent hifi equipment into the NP5.  Meant to be a compact, hide-away network device for use in any sized system, the NP5 is full of excellent features, has great WiFi range, and provides a nearly endless conduit for hi-res streaming 2-channel audio. 

The NP5 is compatible most of today's streaming services including AirPlay2, Qobuz, Spotify, and Tidal.  The NP5 provides multiple digital output configurations from Optical/TOSLINK and Coax Digital straight to your DAC or digital-capable receiver.  Connectivity is available from both WiFi and Ethernet connections.  The unit is easy to set up and configure, taking on a few minutes.  Once setup, the NP5 is selectable alongside any other wireless devices on your network.  And it's also Roon-Ready. 

A great little streamer to get someone started on their hi-res music journey. 

Demos are encouraged in Andover, MA.

Normally $799, this very lightly pre-owned unit is now $599 (plus applicable shipping and/or sales tax)