Sony 1970s 2-Channel or Quad Vintage System - SOLD

Sale price Price $2,999.00 Regular price $3,499.00 Unit price  per 

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This is special.

  • Sony 2000F Preamp
  • Sony SQD-2000 Quad Decoder
  • Sony 5130 AM/FM Tuner
  • Two Sony 3200F Power Amplifiers

Each piece has been serviced, cleaned, and dialed-in for an incredible 2-channel stereo OR quadraphonic experience. We are looking to sell these items together as a set. The faces and cases on these units are SPOTLESS. Everything works perfectly. The power in this system is nuts. For someone looking for a unique silver-faced stack that's not Pioneer SPEC, this is it!.

This system can be used for up to 4 pair of speakers! Each amplifier puts out 110 watts per channel into 8 ohm and are capable of driving 4 ohm loads without issue. These amps are routinely measured 10-20% above rated power. Honestly, you don't need more power than this.  Whether you have vintage speakers or power hungry speakers, or just want the full silver-faced aesthetic, this system is one-of-a-kind.

Demos are available at our Lawrence, MA showroom.

$2,999 (plus applicable sales tax)