Wireworld Atlantis II Discrete Bi-wire Speaker Lines, 13-footers

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Wireworld was the brainchild of renown audio engineer David Salz, also of StraightWire fame.  Wireworld was known in its day for producing high-quality speaker lines and interconnects.  Made from stranded OFC copper, with teflon-wound jackets, the Wireworld Atlantis line was affordable and effective.  

This pair is setup for and internally bi-wired connection, with four prongs on one end and two prongs on the other.  Ideal for someone running a set of Vandersteen speakers, for example. The spade lugs terminate all the ends cleanly and securely.  This 13-foot long set would have originally retailed for about $600 in this configuration.

Available now in Lawrence, MA.

$329 (plus applicable shipping and/or MA sales tax)